“We work hard. We play hard. And we know how to have a good time!”
That’s the motto for the hard-working crew that makes Skagway Brewing Company what it is. Serving hand-crafted ales and great pub food, the Skagway Brewing Company is a fast-paced, high-volume establishment located in the Alaskan cruise ship port of Skagway.
As mentioned above, we take pride in our sustainability efforts from our indoor aeroponic farm, capturing and reutilizing the carbon dioxide from brewing elsewhere, to processing our spent fryer oil to create our own biodiesel that is then used to heat the building as well as fuel the brewing process. This is temporarily on pause, but we plan to resume in the near future.
As an Alaskan Cruise Ship Port, our business is heavily influenced by seasonal tourism. May-October our tiny boardwalk town is overflowing with tourists. Our off-season crew is comprised of year-round locals, but we rely immensely on our “seasonal individuals” -- those drawn to the allure of Skagway, its history, and an Alaskan adventure in The Last Frontier.
The backbone to our success is not just delicious beer and food – it’s also our people that makes the experience memorable by offering fast, efficient and friendly service with a smile.
We take pride in a team that calls each other family. Respect, enthusiasm, hard work, and FUN are the names of our game.
Company Website: www.skagwaybrewing.com